30 Days to Your First Short Term Rental Property
And the Income That Goes Along with It!
You know when you're on your favorite social media and you see an update from a friend, that friend, the one who's on yet another fabulous vacation in some exotic location. You look around at all the chores that need to be done and wonder how they do it. How do they not just take all that time off but afford to travel so often? You wonder what you're doing wrong because you feel like you do nothing but work. You feel like you're on some sort of endless treadmill where you just can't seem to get ahead. You wonder if things would be different if you didn't have kids or you didn't get married. Does having a family mean you have to sacrifice everything you dreamed of?  
Can it really be only one or the other?
Well, my name is Michelle Russell and I help people reach their financial goals while providing for their families along the way. I give them the tools they need to find their way out of the dark, from "just making it" to the life they always dreamed of. I empower them and give them a clear path away from the struggle and into their purpose, out of debt and into income. I get them off the treadmill of work-sleep-wake-repeat and onto the pathway of prosperity.
 If you want your first STR in the next 30 Days...Watch This
 Up Your Acceptance Level
My absolute favorite quote from the late, great Reverend Ike is  
"You receive at the level of your acceptance."   
What that means is nothing is stopping you from receiving anything but you.  You only allow yourself to receive what you believe deep down you deserve.  We push ourselves and work really hard or we self-sabotage because we feel we aren't worthy.  Well, It's time you break the chain.  You do deserve this and you can have it.  You only have to take a series of steps that aren't difficult but you have to commit yourself to doing them.

If you are serious and you are willing to take direction from me and my team for the next 30 Days, we will make sure you get there.    
Are You Ready? 
If Not Now, When? 
When are you going to do this thing?  When are you going to take that step, that leap of faith?  I know it's scary.  I've been there.  I remember.  The first rental property was absolutely the scariest.  All those "what ifs" rolling through your head right now...I've heard them.  What if no one rents from you?  What if they trash the place?  What if you lose all your investment money?  Oh, yeah.  What if it doesn't work.  That's a good one.  It works for all these other people but it's not going to work for you.  Come on!  Really?  I'm here to tell you that it will work for you.  Only I'm not going to stop there.  Over the next 30 days, I'm going to challenge you to pick up your FIRST Short Term Rental Property and I'm going to tell you EXACTLY what steps to take and EXACTLY how to do it.  You can't fail unless you choose to fail because the only way to fail is to not take action, in other words DO NOTHING and, let's face it, if you don't have a property yet, you're already doing that.  Let's change the course of your future right NOW.  Sign up and Join me in a challenge that really matters: a challenge that will change life as you know it forever.  This moment will be your pivotal moment.  Once you commit, there will be a life before your first Short Term Rental and life after.  You will no longer be on the outside looking in.  You will be a Real Estate Investor and life will only get better and better.  Imagine what the extra income will do for you and for your family.  Imagine how your life will change.  Sign up now.  You've got nothing to lose!
Michelle and Kevin Russell
"So easy!  Take your family and your life to the next level."
Elisabeth B.
Naturapathic Doctor, Canada
Short Term Rental Revenue
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